12 new sets, new production technology and print on canvas, the new design (with gallery design) and new packaging!
Dear partners and dear needlewoman!

We've got a lot of good news, which so long awaited, not only all the fans Outline Art, but those, This canvas is not liked. Теперь мы уверены - новый холст Outline Art понравится каждому! Мы с радостью сообщаем - после более чем двух лет экспериментов, a plurality of trial and error, длительного процесса разработки и тестирования - Outline Art представляет новую технологию производства Canvas и новую технологию нанесения красок.

canvas production

now therefore, we were able to achieve the following improvements, which we have long asked needlewoman:
  • new canvas is much more resistant to mechanical damage. Forget the creases, abrasions, трещинах от прокалывания - все это в прошлом. Now you can damage the paint unless the purpose or with the help of special. tool :)
  • the colors on the new canvas much more bright and vibrant. Down with faded pictures!
  • changed weave diagram for easier piercing needle.
  • thanks to the new structure of the yarn edge of the canvas is no longer rastrepyvayutsya.

Вторая замечательная новость - мы изменили дизайн упаковки и корпоративный стиль в целом. Have you seen our new logo, And now admire the new box. Beauty, is not it?


Well, finally, третье важное нововведение - это абсолютно новый дизайн схем на холсте. We are talking not only about the external fields, have undergone substantial changes, but a fundamentally new approach to the design. We all know, Framing Workshop that these days often take for registration in a baguette finished works almost twice as much, what is embroidered set. And not everyone likes a classic design prints and mats...

IMG_0777У нас в Outline Art всегда прислушиваются к пожеланиям наших клиентов и с сегодняшнего дня ВСЕ новинки от Outline Art выпускаются с возможностью так называемого "галерейного оformsления" без использования багета и паспорту. Yes Yes, включая представленные сегодня 12 новинок - теперь каждый решает сам - можно оformsить, as before, prints, а можно - вот так:


Well в заключение - обещанные 12 новинок - все они уже на новом холсте, they all have the chance of gallery design and new packaging. We hope, You and your customers will like!

Бг™•в Ґ бЂ®ҐЃз≠ле
Set “Bouquet in shades of cream”
Л•£™Ѓбвм °лв®п
Set “Lightness of Being”
Set “Geranium”
СҐ•вб™®© а†гв
Set “Social events”
З®ђ≠•• гваЃ
Set “Winter morning”
М®Ђ_© §Ѓђ®™
Set “Lovely house”
ИбвЃа®п Ђо°Ґ®3
Set “Love story-3″
ИбвЃа®п Ђо°Ґ®2Set “Love story-2″
ИбвЃа®п Ђо°Ґ®1
Set “Love story-1″
ІҐ•І§≠†п ≠ЃзмSet “Starlight Night”
°•ЂЃб≠•¶≠л© б®ђҐЃЂ
Set “Snow-white symbol of happiness”
Set “Magic”
All new products are already available in our online store, as well as in the wholesale customer service system - http://opt.abrisart.com We are always open to your suggestions and wishes - Contact us at art@abrisart.com Yours faithfully, Outline Art team.